Advice on protection and internet law

The Internet has changed that way in which works are used, but copyright law continues to apply normally to the Internet, and the courts therefore have not hesitated to sentence users for infringement in multiple jurisdictions in France and overseas.

On the Internet as elsewhere, these principles are not difficult to apply: for example, the digitisation of a work will be construed as a reproduction within the meaning of Article L122-3 of the French Intellectual Property Code.

A website can constitute a work of the mind (œuvre de l’esprit) for the purposes of the French Intellectual Property Code provided that it satisfies the conditions of originality.

As a consequence, it is strongly recommended not to copy or draw inspiration from the graphic chart of a pre-existing website. As far as logos on various digital supports or other social networks are concerned, it is essential to read the terms of use referred to by their authors.

Our expertise in internet domain names

We carry out on your behalf all formalities needed for the purposes of searching, reserving and renewing domain names, in all configurations.

Domain names. An Internet domain name enables identification on the worldwide web. Although, strictly speaking, a domain name does not constitute an industrial property right, its reservation and use confer rights on its owner and are liable to give rise to disputes with third parties.

Our mission is to carry out on your behalf all formalities needed for the purposes of searching, reserving and renewing domain names, and to provide you with guidance in relation to your decisions on possible extensions.


Software per se is excluded from patentability. However, the I.N.P.I. and the E.P.O. grant patents for software inventions if they contribute to a technical invention and meets the other conditions for patentability. In addition, software can be protected by copyright. While a patent protects the functions fulfilled by the software, copyright covers the source code of the software.

Our mission is to provide you with guidance when choosing the protection for your software in all countries of the world.
